•   aleishastaxloans@gmail.com reacted to this post about 6 years ago
    Equifax, Inc. - a major credit bureau, announced yesterday that a cyber security incident, discovered in July, may have exposed names, birth dates, Social Security numbers and addresses of approximately 143 million U.S. consumers. In addition, a smaller amount of driver's license numbers, credit card numbers and certain dispute documents were obtained.

    Identity theft affects millions of Americans each year. IDShield provides privacy and security monitoring, consultation, and Comprehensive Identity Restoration from Kroll. So in the unfortunate event something does happen to your identity, you'll have professional help in getting your identity restored to what it was before the fraud occurred. To ensure you have the best coverage possible, there is an IDShield Family plan that includes you, your spouse/partner, and up to 8 children.

    For more information about our identity theft protection, IDShield, please view my website link at www.aleishahunter.legalshieldassociate.com and click on "Learn More" under IDShield Plans.
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